Assalamualaikum, dear brothers and sisters. Today, we share the inspiring story of Muhammad Ishaaq, formerly known as Girish KS Udupa, an upper-caste Hindu Brahmin who embraced Islam after a lifelong search for truth. His journey from idol worship to the oneness of Allah (SWT) is a testament to the transformative power of the Quran and the beauty of Islam.
Early Life: A Hindu Brahmin’s Quest for Truth
Muhammad Ishaaq was born into a devout Hindu Brahmin family in Udupi, Karnataka, India—a city renowned for its temples. From a young age, he was immersed in Hindu scriptures and rituals, training to become a priest. However, as he delved deeper into the texts, he encountered numerous contradictions and unanswered questions.
Dissatisfied with the explanations provided by his teachers, he was sent to an Ashram to further his religious education. Yet, even there, his doubts persisted. Despite extensive reading of Hindu scriptures, he found no clarity or fulfillment. This led him to explore other religions, including Jainism and Buddhism, but their teachings on non-violence (ahimsa) and idol worship failed to address his spiritual yearning.
Discovering the Quran: A Turning Point
Ishaaq’s search for truth eventually led him to study ancient religions, including those of the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians, as well as Judaism. However, it was a simple bus ride that changed his life forever. He noticed a hoarding offering a free copy of the Quran and, out of curiosity, decided to obtain one.
Initially, his intention was to find faults in the Quran and mock Islam. However, as he began reading, he was astonished to find answers to his deepest questions. The Quran addressed his doubts about life’s purpose, creation, and existence with clarity and wisdom. Despite his initial goal of reading four pages a day, he could barely manage half a page, as each verse demanded deep reflection.
Embracing Islam: The Shahadah
A Muslim brother who provided the Quran regularly checked on Ishaaq’s progress. During one of their meetings, the brother posed a profound question: “If I die now, I may enter Paradise because I am a Muslim striving to follow Allah’s commandments. What about you? If you die before finishing your juice, where would you go?”
This question struck Ishaaq deeply. That night, he prayed sincerely for the first time, asking Allah for forgiveness and guidance. The next morning, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and contacted the brother to declare his intention to embrace Islam.
At the Islamic center, Ishaaq recited the Shahadah in Arabic and English: “Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadur Rasul Allah” (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger). The moment he uttered these words, he felt an overwhelming sense of relief, as if a heavy weight had been lifted from his chest.
A New Life in Islam
Since his conversion, Muhammad Ishaaq has dedicated his life to spreading the message of Islam. He now devotes his time to giving dawah (inviting others to Islam) and sharing his story to inspire others. His journey is a powerful reminder that Islam is the only way of life that provides true fulfillment and answers to life’s fundamental questions.
A Message to Truth Seekers
Ishaaq’s story carries a profound message for those searching for truth: “Only when you take the pain of learning about all religions will you discover the beauty of Islam. The oneness of Allah and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) offer a way of life that brings peace, purpose, and satisfaction.”
He emphasizes, “Life is a total waste without Islam. Islam is the only way of life.”
May Allah (SWT) grant Muhammad Ishaaq steadfastness and bless his efforts to spread the message of Islam. Ameen.