Dhiya ur-Rahman Azmi

Dhiya ur-Rahman Azmi: From Hinduism to a Renowned Scholar of Hadith

Dhiya ur-Rahman Azmi: From Hinduism to a Renowned Scholar of Hadith

Assalamualaikum, dear brothers and sisters. Today, we share the extraordinary journey of Professor Dhiya ur-Rahman Azmi, a former Hindu who rose to become one of the most distinguished scholars of Hadith in the Muslim world. His story is a testament to the transformative power of Islam and the profound impact of sincere devotion to knowledge.

Early Life: From Banke Laal to Dhiya ur-Rahman Azmi

Born in 1943 as Banke Laal in a Hindu family in Bilarya Ganj, a village in Azamgarh, India, Professor Azmi’s life took a remarkable turn when he embraced Islam at the age of 18. Drawn by Islam’s message of equality, justice, and human dignity, he joined countless others in the Indian subcontinent who found solace and truth in the faith. Unlike the organized conversion campaigns (such as Ghar Wapsi) prevalent in India, Azmi’s journey to Islam was driven by personal conviction and a genuine desire to seek the truth.

A Journey of Knowledge and Scholarship

Under the guidance of the late Hakeem Ayub, Banke Laal transformed into Dhiya ur-Rahman Azmi, a name now synonymous with excellence in Hadith studies. His academic journey began at the Islamic University of Madinah, where he became the first Hindu convert to be admitted. He later earned his Master’s degree from King Abdul Aziz University in Makkah (now Umm al-Qura University) and a PhD from the prestigious Al-Azhar University in Cairo.

Azmi’s expertise in Hadith earned him a professorship at the Faculty of Hadith at the Islamic University of Madinah, where he eventually became the Dean. After retiring, he was honored with a teaching position at the Prophet’s Mosque in 2013, a role bestowed upon him by the Head of the Prophet’s Mosque Affairs. His contributions to Islamic scholarship were further recognized when he was granted Saudi Arabian citizenship.

Pioneering Contributions to Hadith Literature

Professor Azmi’s most celebrated work is “Al-Jami’ al-Kamil fi al-Hadith al-Sahih al-Shamil,” a monumental compilation of authentic Hadiths spanning over 20 volumes. This comprehensive collection, containing approximately 16,000 Hadiths, covers diverse topics such as creed, jurisprudence, worship, the Prophet’s biography, and Quranic interpretation. It stands as one of the most significant contributions to Hadith literature by a single scholar since the time of the early compilers like Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim.

Another groundbreaking achievement is his “Encyclopedia of the Glorious Quran” in Hindi. This pioneering work, the first of its kind in Hindi, explores over 600 topics from the Quran, making its teachings accessible to millions of Hindi-speaking Muslims. The encyclopedia has seen eight editions in India, with Urdu and English translations in the pipeline to meet growing demand.

Refuting Misconceptions and Promoting Understanding

Azmi’s scholarship extends beyond Hadith compilation. His Master’s thesis, “Abu Hurayrah in the Light of his Narrations,” addresses criticisms of Hadith authenticity, while his PhD dissertation, “The Judgment of the Prophet,” delves into the Prophetic tradition. His book “From Ganga to Zamzam” narrates his personal journey to Islam, highlighting the challenges he overcame.

Additionally, his textbook “Comparative Study of Judaism, Christianity, and Indian Religions” is part of the curriculum at several Saudi universities. Currently, he is working on a comparative study of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, further bridging the gap between Islamic and other religious traditions.

A Legacy of Humility and Excellence

Despite his towering achievements, Professor Azmi remains a model of humility and simplicity. His modesty and dedication to his faith have left an indelible mark on those who know him. As he continues to contribute to Islamic scholarship, his life serves as an inspiration to seekers of knowledge and truth worldwide.

Professor Dhiya ur-Rahman Azmi’s journey from a small village in India to becoming a revered scholar at the Prophet’s Mosque is a powerful reminder of Allah’s guidance and the transformative potential of Islam. May Allah (SWT) continue to bless him and his work, and may his legacy inspire generations to come. Ameen.

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