Assalamualaikum, dear brothers and sisters. My name is Safia, though I was born Helena Brigitte. On the 23rd of October 2017, I changed my name after embracing Islam, just three weeks after my 17th birthday on the 28th of August 2016. Though it has been less than two years since my conversion, my journey has been transformative. I am now a wife, Alhamdulillah, having married on the 24th of December 2017. Here is my story.
A Childhood Without Religion
I grew up in a household where religion was not a priority. My parents, both of Christian/atheist backgrounds, saw no value in teaching us about faith. My mother occasionally read Bible stories to my youngest brother, Deen, but that was the extent of our religious exposure. Interestingly, three of my four brothers have Arabic first or middle names, a coincidence that now feels like a subtle sign from Allah (SWT).
Misguided Hatred for Islam
My initial perception of Islam was shaped by negative media portrayals. Terrorist groups and attacks dominated the news, and I, like many others, blamed Islam for these atrocities. Without any knowledge of the religion, I began to hate it. I even dragged my best friend into this mindset, and together, we mocked Islam in the most disrespectful ways.
We created fake Instagram accounts, dressed in niqabs and hijabs, and made fun of Islamic practices. We screamed “Allahu Akbar” in public, thinking it was hilarious. At the time, I had never met a Muslim or understood what Islam truly stood for. My ignorance fueled my hatred, but deep down, I was curious.
A Secret Curiosity
While publicly ridiculing Islam, I secretly began researching it. I stumbled upon a nasheed called “Allahu” by Labbayk and was captivated by its beauty. This led me to explore more nasheeds and eventually to read about Islam itself. The concept of one God, the prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH), and the pillars of Islam intrigued me.
Over time, my mockery turned into genuine interest. I distanced myself from my toxic friend, moved to a new town, and started fresh at a new school. It was there that I met a Muslimah who would change my life forever.
Meeting a Muslimah
On my first day at the new school, I noticed a girl wearing a hijab. She was kind and approachable, and we quickly became friends. I admired her faith and began asking her questions about Islam: Why do you wear the hijab? Why do you pray? Can I see the Quran?
Though I was deeply curious, I kept my interest hidden, fearing judgment. A year passed, and our friendship grew stronger. During a summer trip to the Netherlands, I met a Moroccan Muslim who further deepened my understanding of Islam.
Taking the Shahadah
One Sunday, I called my Muslim friend and insisted we meet. We walked to a river, and I nervously showed her a Quranic verse on my phone: “There is no compulsion in religion.” When she finally understood my intention, she asked, “Do you want to become a Muslim?”
Tears filled my eyes as I nodded. Together, we recited the Shahadah: “Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasooluhu.” It was a moment of pure joy and relief.
A New Beginning
Since that day, I have embraced Islam wholeheartedly. My friend and I remain close, and her words still resonate with me: “I hope we’ll go to Jannah together.” My journey from hatred to love for Islam has been nothing short of miraculous.
To anyone struggling with misconceptions about Islam, I urge you to seek knowledge with an open heart. Islam is a religion of peace, mercy, and truth, and its beauty can transform even the most skeptical minds.
May Allah (SWT) guide us all to the straight path and grant us His mercy. Ameen.